Take Your Next Step

If you have made a decision to follow Christ, it means you have chosen to accept Jesus as your savior and to live your life according to his teachings, aligning your actions and thoughts with the example he set, essentially committing to a life of faith and devotion to him; this is often referred to as "being a Christian" or "being born again"

Next Steps in Following Christ:

Water Baptism

Christian Water Baptism is a symbolic act of publicly professing faith in Jesus Christ. It involves being submerged in water, representing the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Baptism signifies the believer's commitment to follow Jesus and is a physical expression of spiritual cleansing and new life in Him.

Love People

When we gather as a growing community for prayer and worship, we encourage and uplift one another, experiencing God's presence in a profound way. Attending worship services connects us with fellow believers, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey with Christ.

Know God

 Transformation begins with reading your Bible. Studying God’s Word is essential for growing in your faith and understanding the teachings of Jesus, helping you apply them to your life. We recommend starting with the Gospel of John. The goal is to gradually shape your character and actions to reflect the values and example of Jesus.


Make a personal commitment to deepen your relationship with God and others by joining our Life Groups. This is a choice to prioritize Jesus' teachings and allow His guidance to shape your life.

Serve Others

Following Christ often includes actively serving others and showing compassion, just as Jesus did.